Healing through conscious touch

MER connective tissue therapeutic massage

MER connective tissue therapeutic massage

Initial session 2 hours with consultation

(orienteeruvalt kulgeb seanss selliselt, et alustame vestlusega ja seansi tutvustamisega u 15min, millele järgneb aktiivne seansi osa u 1h 30min millele järgneb integratsioon ja seansi järgne vestlus u 15min)

150€ / 120min

95€ / 75min

55€ / 45min

Kui oled MER seansile tulemas esmakordselt, või tulemas minu seansile esmaordselt, siis palun vali alati 2h (120min) seansiks.

MER connective tissue therapeutic massage

MER sidekoe teraapiline massaaž ehk (Myofascial Energetic Release) is a form of deep body therapy that integrates:


  • conscious touch
  • conscious breathing
  • conscious movement
  • pain relief
  • awareness of emotions
  • meditation and resonance e presence

MER therapy is designed for the purpose of working with chronic tensions and pains in our physical body, which in almost 90% of cases are psychosomatic (imbalances in the psyche or central nervous system that cause ailments at the level of the physical body).

MER is a unique form of therapy in the sense that it proactively invites the recipient of the session to be a part of the session - through presence, breathing and movement.

MER therapy is a synergistic "dance" of energies that intertwines deep treatment of muscle-connective tissue and joint manipulation, assisted stretching of the connective tissue, conscious breathing and verbal support of trauma and an increase in emotional awareness, with the aim of releasing the tensions stuck in the soft tissues.

Each body is unique and its receptivity and effect are equally unique. I'm often asked how many sessions I need to book before the "good" starts:) I always recommend starting with three sessions, over a short period of time (ideally every few days, but 1x a week is also a good option). This is enough to perceive changes on both a physical and emotional level, which in turn will help you decide whether this form of therapy is suitable for you at the given time.
My recommendations – tulles esmakordselt seansile, palun vali esimeseks kohtumiseks aega 2h, et mul oleks piisavalt aega Sinu ja Sinu kehaga tuttavaks saada, teda paremini tajuda ning mõista tema vajadusi.
Teraapiasse tuleku päeval on minu soovitus mitte tarbida eelneva 24h jooksul valuvaigisteid, mille funktsioon on tuimestada valuretseptorid, millega kaasneb üleüldine “tuimus” ja “tundetus” kehas. 
MER teraapia näidustused: kroonilised valud pehmetes kudedes (lihased) ja liigestes (seljavalu, turjavalu, “külmunud õlg”, migreen, “tennisisti küünar”, karpaalkanali sündroom, vaagnapiirkonna vaevused, põlve ja hüppeliigese vaevused), üleüldine kurnatus, emotsionaalne madalseis, sterss, depressioon.

MER teraapia vastunäidustused: rasedad ja kliinilise diagnoosiga vaimuhaiguste puhul palun ma raviarsti nõusolekut/luba teraapias osalemiseks. Kui oled lähiajal (3 kuud) läbinud operatsioone, ka sellisel juhul on oluline küsida oma raviarstilt luba teraapisse tulekuks.

Millal MER teraapiasse mitte tulla? Teraapiasse tule alati tervena, sest iga teraapia on kehale koorem. Kui oled külmetanud, palavikus, nohune ja köhane siis parim mida endale valida saad on taastumine enne teraapiasse tulekut.ma

Experience stories

My path brought me back together with Regina in the fall of 2020. My lower back has been my weak point. I read Regina's posts and the way she wrote spoke to me. The first time, I had to admit the very next day that my back was no longer so tense and I was more flexible. Also, I can't fail to mention that I felt like "at home" with Regina, I trusted her completely. My body really thanked me. The third time, I felt how in addition to my physical pain, mental tension rushed out of me....I cried like a child. MER massage is my undisputed favorite, your cooperation with the masseur, the way you feel your body. And of course breathing in addition to that - I still have to learn that, because I still have a long way to go to become more self-aware 😉 Anyway, I'm so happy I found Regina and MER.
from Tallinn
The experience of MER massage with Regina has enabled me to get out of my "head" more and to get a better connection with myself and my body by resolving the processes happening inside me. I remember the first time when, after unraveling another dead end knot, I felt on the massage table how indescribably good it is to be in my own body! It was the first time I experienced something like this and it was a really powerful feeling! The anxiety and tension that we often carry in our bodies was replaced by a feeling of pure peace and joy and it was really very enjoyable. I remember telling Regina that "I'm going to stay on this table forever"😊 But in fact, this feeling can be integrated little by little even outside the massage time. And Regina, with her sensitivity, intuition and inner wisdom, is truly a super masseuse. I highly recommend!
from Tallinn