Lomi Lomi Nui Massage Retreat
Lomi Lomi Nui massaaž
Seansi kestvus on kuni 1h 45min
Palun arvesta juurde vestlus enne seanssi kui ka integreerimise aeg peale seanssi.
Samuti palun arvesta pesemisele kuluv aeg.
Lomi Lomi Nui massaaž
Lomi Lomi Nui massaaž on graatsiline ja sügavuti minev kehatöö, mida tuntakse ka kui “templi-stiilis” Lomi-Lomi’na. Iidsetel aegadel Hawaiil praktiseerisid seda Kahuna Lapa’aud (Hawaii šamaanid ja Lomi meistrid) Heiau’s (templid) sügava füüsilise ja vaimse tervendamise eesmärgil.
Kahunade elufilosoofia järgi eksisteerib tervis (ola) siis, kui keha rakud vibreerivad kiirelt ehk teisisõnu, keha energia on vabas voolamises. Haigused (ma’i) tekivad siis, kui see voolamine on olnud pikema aja jooksul blokeerunud või piiratud. Selles lomi-lomi nui (massaaži) stiilis esineb massöör kui “tantsija” ja massaaži vastuvõtja on justkui selle tantsu “koreograaf”. Seega on tants mida tantsitakse, alati erinev.
Huna filosoofia põhineb seitsmel lihtsal põhimõttel, mis on välja töötatud selleks, et soodustada positiivset enesearengut meele jõu abil. See on väga pragmaatiline filosoofia ja on “kaasav” selles mõttes, et see ei välista ühtegi muud filosoofiat või religiooni ning seda võib praktiseerida kõrvuti mis tahes muu süsteemiga. Ja sellel filosoofial on oma koht ka Lomi Lomi Nui massaaži seansil.
IKE– World is what you think he is. Your reality starts from within.
PISCES - There are no limits, everything is possible. What we see as limiting exists only in our minds. The boundaries of the mind are created by the past environment that you have experienced on the journey of growing from a child to an adult.
MAKIA - Energy flows where our attention is. Wherever there is a flow of energy and attention, events arise. This is the basic principle of creating results. Attention + energy + ideas + action = results. Wherever your attention is, there is your life. If you focus most of your time on your business, then your business is the area of your life where you create the most events and results, both positive and negative. If you focus primarily on your family life, this is where energy flows and events happen.
MANAWA - The power is in the present moment. The past and the future have no real power or strength because we can't do anything with either. What can we do about the past now? Nothing. What can we do about the future now? Nothing. There is no causal activity we can do now that can directly change the past or the future. It is impossible.
So what can we do? Act now. All the strength and power to change your life exists only in the immediate present. There is no other time.
ALOHA - To love is to be happy. Love is happiness. Aloha is caring for others as much as you care for yourself. This is selfless love, “agape love”. It is like the main tone of living life.
MANA -All power comes from within. This power is universal and flows not only through us, but also through animals and plants, the bedrock of the earth, the heavens and planets, and everything we know to exist. It is life energy, so to speak. Mana flows through us and empowers us to do what we believe we can do. The power to do whatever we decide to do and in which direction we act.
PONO - Effectiveness is the measure of truth. A method, a plan, certain actions, if they can be triggered - can work. If they work, that's all there is to worry about. There are many ways to do most things. It is not necessary to put yourself in a situation where there is only one way to achieve something. For example, how many different ways is it possible to prepare a delicious fish dish? Earn money to buy a car? When you see someone accomplishing something using one method, remember that it's not the only way. There are probably many more ways to do this. The core of “PONO” is that there are always alternatives to what you are doing.
Milline on Lomi Lomi Nui massaaži seanss?
“Kohalolu” on peamine fookus Lomi Lomi Nui seansil. Võtame endale mõned hetked, et argised toimetused hetkeks “pausile” panna. Teeme koos taotluse, mis aitavab hoida meid fookuses ja annab puhkust meelele. Pehmelt, sujuvalt voolavate liigutustega kaetakse kogu keha rohke (sooja)õliga, millele järgneb “koreograafi” poolt loodud “tants” läbi keha. Ideaalis on seansid riietevabal kehal, intiimsed piirkonnad sarongiga kaetud. Kui Sinu jaoks on “riietevaba keha” pigem ebamugav, siis riietu sellise pesuga mis võib õliseks saada.
When coming to any bodywork session, it is good if about 2-3 hours have passed since the last meal.
Armastusega hoitud ruum ja imeline teraapia kogemus. Tuhat tänu!