Journey therapy

Journey experiential session (up to 3h)
Journey sessions are very individual and it would not be best to limit them by time. The average time spent on a session is about 2 hours, which is good to consider.
The Journey-method - a psychosomatic experience in your body!
What kind of method is The Journey-method?
The Journey method is an in-depth psychological and emotional healing method created by Brandon Bays to help people discover and release the emotional blockages and physical symptoms of illness within themselves. The method is based on an understanding of the mind-body connection, allowing deep access to repressed memories and traumas that have remained at the cellular level of the body. The method supports personal growth and healing by tapping into the body's innate self-healing abilities.
Why is The Journey-methodmethod important and valuable?
Today's fast pace of life and stressful environment often puts people under stress, which builds up and can lead to mental and physical health problems. The Journey-method, is important, because it offers a safe and effective way to release the emotional stress associated with trauma:
- chronic stress
- anxiety and depression
- physical health problems
- relationship problems
- self-esteem problems
- limiting beliefs and unhealthy thinking patterns.
Method is beneficial,, because it because it provides an opportunity to heal naturally and thoroughly, leading people to the deeper reasons why certain problems and life challenges over and over again limit them or even tend to reoccur.
What ailments can The Journey-method help with?
The Journey method can help with a wide range of emotional and physical problems, including:
- Chronic stress and burnout
- anxiety and depression
- physical illnesses and chronic pain (e.g. migraines, digestive problems, muscular pain).
- addiction problems
- relationship and and family dynamics problems
- post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
The method is also suitable for those who are looking for a deep experience of self-development and want to better understand their emotional and physical states.
How does The Journey-method, works?
The method is based on a multi-step process that aims to take the person deep within and guide them to discover and release repressed feelings and memories. The process involves:
- Relaxation and deep breathing: allows access to the deep subconscious.
- Visual Guidance and meditation: helps to lead a process of encountering one's emotions and past experiences.
- Emotional release techniques:: enable the person to transform and release blocked emotions.
In practice, this is done through a guided session in which the person becomes aware of the emotional blocks they hold and releases them in a safe and healing way.
What are the benefits Trainings and courses completed under practising the Journey Method?
The Journey, as a method, offers practical tools and techniques to help:
- Release past traumas and emotional blockages.
- Improve physical health, as the body and mind have the ability to heal themselves when repressed emotions are released.
- improve self-esteem and restore inner balance.
- develop a deep self-awareness,, which allows you to see life with greater clarity and calm.
- create more fulfilling relationships, as internal emotional tensions are eased.
The benefits are long-lasting, as the individual gains skills that can be used for further personal growth and development.
In which cases is The Journey-method allowed and in which cases is it not?
- Anyone who wishes to release emotional blockages and heal their mental or physical state.
- People who are open to inner change and self-discovery.
- Acute psychiatric disorders (e.g. schizophrenia, bipolar disorder) where there is no support from a practitioner/therapist or doctor.
- For people who are currently in a very severe crisis (e.g. suicidal ideation), the method should only be used with the support of a professional practitioner.
The importance of mental health in today's society
In today's society, an increasing number of people are struggling with mental health problems. Stress, anxiety and depression are on the rise, and one of the main causes is:
- Society's ever-increasing expectations and pressure to achieve more, faster.
- Technology's constant presence, leaves little room for personal rest and reflection.
- Low awareness of emotional health and how to keep emotionally balanced.
Maintaining good mental health is crucial because our internal state affects our physical health as well as our relationships and work life. Techniques such as The Journey can help us to regain balance and find inner peace in a world of increasing mental stress.