Healing through conscious touch

Mystic Inner Alchemy Tantra Massage

Yoni massage Lingam massage Prostate massage
Mystic Inner Alchemy Tantra Massage 

Seansi kestvus on kuni 2h

Palun arvesta juurde vestlus enne seanssi kui ka integreerimise aeg peale seanssi. 

Samuti palun arvesta pesemisele kuluv aeg.


Selleks, et mõista Inner Alchemy Tantra massaaži sügavust, on hea alustuseks mõista alkeemia tähendust. 

"Dr Google" gives several definitions, and if it were to be conveyed based on personal experience, it would sound like this:
"Alchemy is experiencing reality with the ability to change it based on what is happening in your inner world."
Mis on Inner Alchemy Tantra massaaž?
Ancient wisdom and modern knowledge are interwoven in this massage, and its foundation is to provide both healing and pleasure to the body.
If the Tantra massage you are experiencing is authentic, meditation is an integral part of the session, which, combined with conscious touch, directs the energies to move in a way that can be perceived on a physical level as pure pleasure.
By not judging this pleasure, we create harmony throughout our bodies, which in turn allows our bodies to heal on a physical, mental and emotional level.
Inner Alchemy Tantra massaaž on ilus, sensuaalne, intiimne ja turvaline. Turvalisus on võtmetähtsusega kõikides teraapiates mis töötavad inimestega ning turvalisus on vundamendiks, et võimaldada endal tunda kõiki aistinguid, mis meie keha on võimeline tundma. Tantra massaaž võimaldab lahti lasta meelest  ning kogeda uut olemise seisundit, milles võime kogeda vabanemise tunnet, sisemise teadlikkuse avardumist ja rõõmu.
For a deeper relaxation of the body and mind, the session uses conscious breathing, conscious touch, background music at a certain frequency, movement, stretching and activation of marma points, which are woven into one whole with long touches that cover the entire body. In this way, the interweaving of different techniques directs the energies, focused life force energy, throughout the body, giving a sense of uninterrupted flow and connectedness.
Life force energy is one of the most powerful energies (and resources) in our body, from which everything begins.
Inner Alchemy Tantra massaaž on sündinud Maria Fazzingo, Dharmaraj ja Ma Ananda Sarita poolt, nende aastatepikkuse tantramassaaži kogemuse ja omavahelise koostöö viljana.
Inner Alchemy Tantra massaaž erineb teistest, tantramassaažidest selle poolest, et see sisaldab endas tööd kõige pühamate piirkondadega meie kehas, milleks naiste puhul on yoni (naise genitaalid) sisene töö ja meeste puhul nii lingami massaaži (mehe genitaalid) kui ka eesnäärme massaaži, pakkudes turvalist võimalust kogeda intiimsel viisil avatust ning võimet jääda kohalolevaks ka ülimalt haavatavas seisundis, võttes vastu kõik kehas väljenduvad tunded, emotsioonid ja energiad.
Benefits of Inner Alchemy Tantra Massage.
It creates an opportunity for the body to heal itself and get rid of blockages, which are primarily related to sexuality and everything that comes with sexuality - on a mental, emotional and physical level, offering the opportunity to release unhealthy blockages and offering new perspectives on life and sexuality.
Practical information when coming to an Inner Alchemy Tantra massage.
Palun olen teadlik, et Inner Alchemy Tantra massaaži seansi eelduseks on vähemalt üks Tao Tantra massaaži ja Kashmiri Tantra massaaži seansi läbimine. Kui oled tulemas seansile esmakordselt, siis palun varu endale aega u 3h (tavapärane seansi kestvus on 2h), et mul oleks piisavalt aega Sinuga tuttavaks saada ning selgitada Sulle millest seanss koosneb ja kuidas see kulgeb. 
Taking a shower is a prerequisite to start the session. Everything you need for this is available in the therapy room.
I have been initiated into Tao Tantra massage through the Tantra Essence Team together with MA Ananda Sarita, Modestas Stonkus and Dharmaraj under guidance (https://balimassagetraining.com).